Adonia Blemish Detox

Adonia Organics 高濃度祛痘淨化精華

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Adonia Organics 祛痘淨化精華素使用含氧植物幹細胞、益生菌和有機植物的溫和混合物,讓肌膚回復健康膚色。

Adonia 祛痘淨化精華是一種有效替代傳統淡斑的方法,其配方可促進肌膚明顯減少痘痘和色斑、看起來健康,且不使用會使肌膚乾燥的有害或刺激性成分。


使用皮膚益生菌、含氧植物細胞和有機植物藥的溫和混合物,自然恢復健康無瑕疵的膚色。 顯著減少毛孔粗大、黑頭和粉刺疤痕的出現。
該精華液專為針對皮膚老化的成人痤瘡而配製。 隨著年齡的增長,疤痕和毛孔粗大的現像很常見,這種精華液將有助於促進膠原蛋白的再生並減少毛孔的可見度。



* 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯
* 不含硫酸鹽
* 無酸
* 不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽

在 AMA Labs 進行的一項臨床研究中,研究參與者發現,在使用 Adonia 祛痘淨化精華後 36 小時內,痘痘和色斑的出現平均減少了 37.29%。

特殊價格 $288.00 定期的價格 $340.00

Adonia Organics 去印浄痘精華素是一種有效替代傳統淡斑的方法,其配方可促進肌膚明顯無瑕疵、看起來健康,且不使用會使肌膚乾燥的有害或刺激性成分。

如何使用 在乾淨的皮膚上每天兩次塗抹在瑕疵區域。 避免接觸眼睛。 在現有的暗瘡疤痕上 用乾淨的手,以圓周運動的方式將serum 直接塗抹在患處。 針對黑頭 這种serum 有助於減少黑頭的出現和縮小毛孔。 用乾淨的手,在整個 T 區塗抹厚厚份量。 早晚使用以獲得最佳效果。 毛孔粗大 均勻塗抹在毛孔粗大的部位。

Key Ingredients

ORGANIC LAVENDER FLOWER A natural ingredient used throughout the centuries to help promote radiant-looking skin.

ORGANIC LEMONGRASS This well-known organic ingredient helps to soothe the skin and promote a vibrant, youthful appearance.

ORGANIC CHAMOMILE This well-known organic ingredient helps to soothe the skin and promote a vibrant, youthful appearance.

ORGANIC CLARY SAGE Since antiquity, Clary Sage has been considered one of the sacred oils and was used for cleansing and calming the skin. The Greeks valued Sage: it was one of the 400 simples of Hippocrates, and Dioscorides praised it for its effectiveness.

ORGANIC PALMAROSA Effective in blends for various skin issues as it helps balance skin tone, making it useful for both extremely dry and very oily skin.

ORGANIC PATCHOULI A well-known Greek Beauty Secret commonly used in skincare products. Well known for its properties of achieving glowing beautiful skin. It is also known for balancing effects.

ORGANIC CALENDULA It is indigenous to Mediterranean Europe. Calendula is most recognized for its ability to help a variety of common skin problems.

ORGANIC FRANKINCENSE Since the dawn of civilization, Frankincense is probably most famous among Christians for references made to it in the Bible, among them being as one of the gifts given to Christ by the Three Wise Men.

ORGANIC GERANIUM Trusted by the Greek culture, Geranium is used to clean, soften, and refresh the skin. It soothes the skin and restores a natural, healthy look.

ORGANIC BERGAMOT Bergamot is a tropical citrus fruit with a subtle and enticing aroma that gives your skin a soothing feeling. Organic Bergamot helps to promote radiant skin.

ORGANIC YLANG YLANG Stimulates and balances skin to effectively encourage a healthy complexion.

ORGANIC THYME Thyme is rich in bioflavonoids, including thymol, an essential oil with powerful antioxidant properties. Antioxidants protect your skin against the damage and stress caused by free radicals.

ORGANIC EVERLASTING Helps give your skin a smooth, fresh appearance.

ORGANIC DANDELION Commonly used to support the elimination of toxins. It contains the powerful antioxidants beta carotene and luteolin and is a natural source of vitamins A, B, C, and D.

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