Penny Price A Dream Rollerball

英國 PPA 甜睡滾珠棒

評分 :

PPA 甜睡滾珠棒 - 適合在漫長的一天後無法關閉大腦的都市人。 這種 100% 純天然純精油和基底油的混合物,有助於放鬆身心,讓您一夜安眠。 甜睡滾珠棒混合了薰衣草、檀香、羅馬洋甘菊、依蘭依蘭和佛手柑等精油。

使用方法:需要時塗抹於手腕和太陽穴, 耳背,頸兩則.

PPA 甜睡滾珠棒在任何家庭中都是一種有用的工具,可以促進身心健康。

(10 毫升)

適合在漫長的一天後無法休息的頭腦。 這款 100% 天然、純淨的精油和基礎油的混合物將有助於您放鬆,讓您享受幸福、清爽的睡眠。 Dream 是薰衣草、檀香、羅馬洋甘菊、依蘭和佛手柑精油的混合。
特殊價格 $180.00 定期的價格 $250.00
主要成分︰薰衣草、檀香、 羅馬洋甘菊、 依蘭依蘭、 佛手柑等精油。。 Lavender is best known for its stress-relieving properties, treating headaches, aches and pains and high blood pressure. Sandalwood is a nerve relaxant, sandalwood is effective for lumbago, neuralgia and sciatica. Roman Chamomile is anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, calming, digestive and menstrual. It is used in particular, to treat eczema, arthritis, inflamed skin, headaches, indigestion, PMT, menopausal symptoms and conjunctivitis. Ylang ylang is antiseptic, antispasmodic, balancing, calming, hypotensive, tonic to the reproductive system and hair growth and sedative. It is most often used to help control hyperactivity in children, insomnia, frigidity, stress and intestinal infections. A well-known aphrodisiac. Bergamot is very different chemically from the other expressed essential oils from this family. It is rich in esters and alcohols and is similar to lavender in that it is excellent for eczema and psoriasis. Bergamot is used for stress, digestive problems, infectious wounds, herpes, agitation and loss of appetite, as well as being synergistic with lavender for helping to heal and regenerate burned skin.
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Country of Manufacture 英國
您正在評論: 英國 PPA 甜睡滾珠棒
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